Monday, February 12, 2007

Oh My, Now You've Done It!!

My obscure and long neglected, auxiliary blog is now exposed to world scrutiny. He he, oh mother; so this must be what it like to go to hospital with dirty underware. Ok, so I like gathering intelligence more than writing about it and the trivial things that normal bloggers do. Well I have been a public, for most of my life; I see no reason to stop now. So let me first offer you a WARM WELCOME to my humble blog. I am sorry there is not currently much to see here, but thanks to Miss Cellania, I will now have to be a more attentive and congenial host to all my new and old friends. And to think; It all started with you Caren! Caren is a wonderful writer and my blog mother. She travailed with me many years, before giving birth to the Keeper. Caren is cool, so be sure to give her a big hello. And for you Star Trek people, here is something I found. Have Fun.


At Wednesday, February 14, 2007 11:49:00 AM, Blogger Miss Cellania said...

Gee, if it was a secret, you shouldn't have left the URL behind!

Happy Valentines Day!

At Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:51:00 PM, Blogger Walt said...

If there was a secret; it is that I am a very primitive and poor blog keeper. I'm still unable to post a picture of myself on this thing.


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