Happy Valentine's day
"I Yam What I Yam".
I wish you all well, may you abide with much Love and happiness.
Few come to this side of my life, where I wage my war on all religions, and yet I know that it matters not to God. For regardless of what religion you may hold; it is in your heart that He builds His Temple. Why on earth do so many think God is so primitive that he required a human sacrifice? Frog Jesus.
The contributors to this web site seek to recall various crucial facts, which people are led to disregard and even deny under the influence of the turmoil of the modern age. One of these basic facts is that of creation, that the universe, living things and man, are not self-existing entities, but the artifacts of God, the Supreme Creator. We are all created by Him and to Him we will all return. Love, not knowledge (intellectual), is the bond between God and man. From God's love proceeds only what is good, and punishment is also inherently good. God's omnipotence is not merely infinite in time, but also in intensity.
This web site calls everyone from every corner of the world, from whatever cultural, racial, ethnic or social background to realize this basic fact and think of his duties to his Creator. In this message lies the real redemption and happiness of mankind.
Void of intellectual content.
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